

我慢 がまん Gaman It is translated aa "Patience" but is is not. "Gaman" means you surpass your feelings for something. I don't think there is a word for t in English. You tell your child not to cry by saying がまんしなさい "Gaman Shinasai". When you are in pain and when there is nothing can be done ... You say がまんしてください。 It is a very Japanese concept not to show how hurt you are....

幾らですか いくらですか

幾らですか いくらですか Ikuradesuka How much? これは いくらですか Koreha Ikuradesuka How much is this? 関西弁(かんさいべん)Kansai Ben なんぼ Nambo How Much?...

愛 あい

愛 あい Ai Love 愛してる あいしてる Aishiteru I love you....


大好き だいすき Daisuki Like a lot だい(大) means "Big" すき(好き) means "Like" わたしは、あなたがだいすきです。 I like you a lot....


疲れた つかれた Tsukareta Tired きょうはつかれた I am tired today....


考える かんがえる Kangaeru Think かんがえます。 I will think about it....


〜〜〜をください。 ~~~wo kudasai. Pleas give me ~~~. きっぷをください。 Kippt wo kudasai. give me a ticket....


責任 せきにん Sekinin Responsibility / Obligation / Duty かたしがせきにんをもって・・・ Watashiga Sekininwo Motte ... I will take care of ... responsibly....


We are very sorry to hear what happened to Kyoto Animation ... I pray for the victims and families. I am sure there are lots of people decided to learn Japanese because of Anime. I hope they will continue to produce many more animations.

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